Cleft lip/palate risk

    Last Updated: January 24, 2024

    Cleft lip and cleft palate are birth disorders affecting the development of the mouth. Cleft lip is characterized by a failure of the lip to join before birth, resulting in an opening running from the lip to the nose. In cleft palate, the roof of the mouth does not join correctly. Cleft lip and palate may occur together or individually, and can usually be surgically corrected. Cleft lip/palate risk refers to the likelihood of developing either of these conditions.[1]

    examine-databaseExamine Database

    Cleft lip/palate risk falls under the Pregnancy & Children category.

    Examine Database: Cleft lip/palate risk

    Examine Database References

    1. Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) - De-Regil LM, Peña-Rosas JP, Fernández-Gaxiola AC, Rayco-Solon PEffects and safety of periconceptional oral folate supplementation for preventing birth defects.Cochrane Database Syst Rev.(2015-Dec-14)