Immunoglobulin M

    Last Updated: October 13, 2024

    Immunoglobulin M is an antibody released in response to a pathogen or foreign body. It is crucial for preventing against infection and regulating the immune system.

    Examine Database: Immunoglobulin M

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    Examine Database References

    1. Colostrum - He F, Tuomola E, Arvilommi H, Salminen SModulation of human humoral immune response through orally administered bovine colostrumFEMS Immunol Med Microbiol.(2001 Aug)
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    3. Spirulina - Ge Y, Kang Y, Dong L, Liu L, An GThe efficacy of dietary Spirulina as an adjunct to chemotherapy to improve immune function and reduce myelosuppression in patients with malignant tumorsTransl Cancer Res.()
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    5. Saffron - Kianbakht S, Ghazavi AImmunomodulatory effects of saffron: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trialPhytother Res.(2011 Dec)
    6. Colostrum - Carol A, Witkamp RF, Wichers HJ, Mensink MBovine colostrum supplementation's lack of effect on immune variables during short-term intense exercise in well-trained athletesInt J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab.(2011 Apr)