Fiber intake and advanced prostate cancer risk
Can high-fiber bread improve microbiome health?
Different fiber courses for preventing acute gastrointestinal injury
Higher fiber intake during pregnancy could reduce ADHD symptoms in the child
The effect of prebiotic fiber on muscle function and cognitive function in older adults
Does adding fiber to a baked good improve the blood sugar response and satiety?
Can a multicomponent supplement complement metformin in the treatment of metabolic syndrome?
Carbohydrate intake and asthma risk in adults
Fiber is associated with reduced anxiety and depression in observational trials, but not interventional trials
Does eating more fiber reduce the risk of dying?
Raise fiber intake to lower blood pressure
The role of dietary fiber in COPD risk
The effect of a bifidobacteria probiotic and inulin on cognition
A high-fiber diet and jumping rope to improve cardiometabolic and gut health