How does coenzyme Q10 work?

    Last Updated: March 18, 2024

    CoQ10 acts as a non-enzymatic endogenous antioxidant,[1] exerting its effects by increasing the production of key antioxidants (e.g., SOD) and by inhibiting lipid peroxyl radicals, thereby reducing lipid peroxidation levels.[2] Additionally, CoQ10 serves as a cofactor in the mitochondrial electron transport chain, transporting electrons from complex I and II to complex III to synthesize ATP, and reducing the production of superoxide (a free radical).[3] Furthermore, CoQ10 appears to regenerate α-tocopherol (vitamin E’s active metabolite) from its radical state back to its antioxidative state.[4][3] Finally, another potential mechanism observed in vitro and in animal studies is the activation of nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf-2), which regulates the cellular response to oxidative stress. However, more research is needed to verify this mechanism of action.[3]

    CoQ10 appears to improve glycemic control in individuals affected by type 2 diabetes (characterized by elevated oxidative stress and abnormalities in mitochondrial function), thanks to its antioxidant activity.[5][6]

    CoQ10 may improve the lipid profile through several potential mechanisms. In vitro studies showed that exposure of endothelial cells to CoQ10 was linked to downregulation of lectin-like oxLDL receptor (LOX-1), to which oxidized LDL (oxLDL) bind causing an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels, and stimulation of 5’ adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which regulates mitochondrial ROS production and oxidative stress resistance.[7][8] Furthermore, CoQ10 may increase fatty acid oxidation, therefore reducing the level of free fatty acids in mitochondria,[9] and it may decrease triglyceride levels by increasing lipolysis.[8]


    1. ^Alarcón-Vieco E, Martínez-García I, Sequí-Domínguez I, Rodríguez-Gutiérrez E, Moreno-Herráiz N, Pascual-Morena CEffect of coenzyme Q10 on cardiac function and survival in heart failure: an overview of systematic reviews and -analyses.Food Funct.(2023-Jul-17)
    2. ^Saboori S, Rad EY, Mardani M, Khosroshahi MZ, Nouri Y, Falahi EEffect of Q10 supplementation on body weight and body mass index: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials.Diabetes Metab Syndr.(2019)
    3. ^Dai S, Tian Z, Zhao D, Liang Y, Liu M, Liu Z, Hou S, Yang YEffects of Coenzyme Q10 Supplementation on Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress in Adults: A GRADE-Assessed Systematic Review and Updated Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.Antioxidants (Basel).(2022-Jul-13)
    4. ^Shetty RA, Ikonne US, Forster MJ, Sumien NCoenzyme Q10 and α-tocopherol reversed age-associated functional impairments in mice.Exp Gerontol.(2014-Oct)
    5. ^Liang Y, Zhao D, Ji Q, Liu M, Dai S, Hou S, Liu Z, Mao Y, Tian Z, Yang YEffects of coenzyme Q10 supplementation on glycemic control: A GRADE-assessed systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.EClinicalMedicine.(2022-Oct)
    6. ^Shi-Ying Zhang, Kai-Lin Yang, Liu-Ting Zeng, Xiao-He Wu, Hui-Yong HuangEffectiveness of Coenzyme Q10 Supplementation for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisInt J Endocrinol.(2018 Sep 16)
    7. ^Rabinovitch et al.AMPK Maintains Cellular Metabolic Homeostasis through Regulation of Mitochondrial Reactive Oxygen SpeciesCell Reports.(2017-10-03)
    8. ^Liu Z, Tian Z, Zhao D, Liang Y, Dai S, Liu M, Hou S, Dong X, Zhaxinima , Yang YEffects of Coenzyme Q10 Supplementation on Lipid Profiles in Adults: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.J Clin Endocrinol Metab.(2022-Dec-17)
    9. ^Lee SK, Lee JO, Kim JH, Kim N, You GY, Moon JW, Sha J, Kim SJ, Lee YW, Kang HJ, Park SH, Kim HSCoenzyme Q10 increases the fatty acid oxidation through AMPK-mediated PPARα induction in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes.Cell Signal.(2012-Dec)