What are the main benefits of ecdysteroids?

    Last Updated: April 30, 2024

    Ecdysteroids are most well known as a supplement for athletic performance and muscle building. Some evidence supports these claims, although few studies have been done on humans. A study in 46 young men showed some benefit as measured by bench press strength and muscle growth compared to a placebo over 10 weeks.[1][2][3] Other studies to support these claims have been done on rats, showing improved muscle recovery,[4] increased grip strength,[5] and endurance (as demonstrated by a swimming test).[6] Future research in humans will be needed to confirm these findings, but research to date supports the idea that ecdysteroids have potential to improve athletic performance and muscle growth.

    An antiobesity effect has been noted in some studies done on rodents. Using 20-hydroxyecdysterone (20HE) in rats and gerbils on a high-calorie diet mitigated weight gain compared to control groups.[7][8][2] 20HE has also been shown to inhibit glucose production in rats and to lower glucose in a manner that is similar to some of the commonly used diabetic treatments, like metformin.[9] This could be helpful in people with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, but it is not yet well studied in human populations.

    In menopausal and postmenopausal women, 20HE could help to decrease adipose deposits, particularly visceral fat (fat around the abdominal organs) and fat deposits in the muscles and joints. This has multiple benefits, including a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease, improved mobility, greater muscle mass, and an improved bone density. However, once again, more research is needed in humans to confirm these benefits.[2][10]

    A small in vitro study[11] showed that ecdysteroids could suppress the growth of and increase cell death in certain types of breast cancer cells. The study also demonstrated a synergistic effect when ecdysterone is combined with doxorubicin (a chemotherapy drug often used in breast cancer treatment).

    In acute myeloid leukemia (AML), ecdysteroids have been studied as an alternative to steroids like dexamethasone, which are frequently used in combination with chemotherapy and radiation during treatment. 20HE showed positive results in in vitro studies, decreasing the proliferation of cancer cells, increasing cancer cell death, and improving the efficacy of certain chemotherapy drugs. These results are promising and will pave the way for the clinical trials that are needed to confirm these results in vivo.[12]

    Many other uses for ecdysteroids have been proposed, including respiratory disorders, renal failure, autoimmune disease, and sexual dysfunction.[2] Research into these areas and others is ongoing, but currently the evidence to support these claims is minimal.


    1. ^Isenmann E, Ambrosio G, Joseph JF, Mazzarino M, de la Torre X, Zimmer P, Kazlauskas R, Goebel C, Botrè F, Diel P, Parr MKEcdysteroids as non-conventional anabolic agent: performance enhancement by ecdysterone supplementation in humans.Arch Toxicol.(2019 Jul)
    2. ^Dinan L, Dioh W, Veillet S, Lafont R20-Hydroxyecdysone, from Plant Extracts to Clinical Use: Therapeutic Potential for the Treatment of Neuromuscular, Cardio-Metabolic and Respiratory Diseases.Biomedicines.(2021 Apr 29)
    3. ^Gorelick-Feldman J, Maclean D, Ilic N, Poulev A, Lila MA, Cheng D, Raskin IPhytoecdysteroids increase protein synthesis in skeletal muscle cells.J Agric Food Chem.(2008 May 28)
    4. ^Zwetsloot KA, Shanely RA, Godwin JS, Hodgman CFPhytoecdysteroids Accelerate Recovery of Skeletal Muscle Function Following in vivo Eccentric Contraction-Induced Injury in Adult and Old Mice.Front Rehabil Sci.(2021)
    5. ^Báthori M, Tóth N, Hunyadi A, Márki A, Zádor EPhytoecdysteroids and anabolic-androgenic steroids--structure and effects on humans.Curr Med Chem.(2008)
    6. ^Olanow CW, Calne DDoes selegiline monotherapy in Parkinson's disease act by symptomatic or protective mechanisms?Neurology.(1992 Apr)
    7. ^Kizelsztein P, Govorko D, Komarnytsky S, Evans A, Wang Z, Cefalu WT, Raskin I20-Hydroxyecdysone decreases weight and hyperglycemia in a diet-induced obesity mice model.Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab.(2009 Mar)
    8. ^Seidlova-Wuttke D, Ehrhardt C, Wuttke WMetabolic effects of 20-OH-ecdysone in ovariectomized rats.J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol.(2010 Apr)
    9. ^Vestergaard PVarying effects of psychotropic medications on fracture risk in older people.Evid Based Ment Health.(2009 Feb)
    10. ^Kapur P, Wuttke W, Jarry H, Seidlova-Wuttke DBeneficial effects of beta-Ecdysone on the joint, epiphyseal cartilage tissue and trabecular bone in ovariectomized rats.Phytomedicine.(2010 Apr)
    11. ^Carme B, Mbitsi A, Moudzeo H, Ndinga M, Eozenou PDrug resistance of Plasmodium falciparum in the Congo. 2. Comparative study in vivo of chloroquine and amodiaquine in Brazzaville schoolchildren (November 1986).Bull Soc Pathol Exot Filiales.(1987)
    12. ^Farrugia M, Cutajar C, Agius JC, Wismayer PSSteroids-has the time come to extend their use to AML?J Egypt Natl Canc Inst.(2021 Mar 4)