Is hydroxyapatite better than other calcium supplements for bone health?

    Last Updated: February 15, 2024

    There are some claims that, because hydroxyapatite contains other minerals and constituents from natural bone, it works better for bone health than other calcium supplements. However, there’s currently no convincing evidence to prove this. Studies have not found higher calcium absorption from osseo-hydroxyapatite or microcrystalline hydroxyapatite supplementation than from supplementation with other calcium salts, such as calcium citrate.[1][2]

    A meta-analysis from 2009 of six small studies does suggest that taking osseo-hydroxyapatite results in a 1% greater bone mineral density (BMD) over 1-3 years compared to taking calcium carbonate.[3] However, this analysis is of limited use because of inclusion of unpublished studies, low study quality (e.g. lack of blinding), and possible presence of financial bias. Furthermore, a 1% increase in BMD over 1-3 years is not enough to prevent fractures, which are the key clinical outcome in bone health.[4]


    1. ^Deroisy R, Zartarian M, Meurmans L, Nelissenne N, Micheletti MC, Albert A, Reginster JYAcute changes in serum calcium and parathyroid hormone circulating levels induced by the oral intake of five currently available calcium salts in healthy male volunteers.Clin Rheumatol.(1997-May)
    2. ^Bristow SM, Gamble GD, Stewart A, Horne L, House ME, Aati O, Mihov B, Horne AM, Reid IRAcute and 3-month effects of microcrystalline hydroxyapatite, calcium citrate and calcium carbonate on serum calcium and markers of bone turnover: a randomised controlled trial in postmenopausal women.Br J Nutr.(2014-Nov-28)
    3. ^Castelo-Branco C, Ciria-Recasens M, Cancelo-Hidalgo MJ, Palacios S, Haya-Palazuelos J, Carbonell-Abelló J, Blanch-Rubió J, Martínez-Zapata MJ, Manasanch J, Pérez-Edo LEfficacy of ossein-hydroxyapatite complex compared with calcium carbonate to prevent bone loss: a meta-analysis.Menopause.(2009)
    4. ^Tai V, Leung W, Grey A, Reid IR, Bolland MJCalcium intake and bone mineral density: systematic review and meta-analysisBMJ.(2015 Sep 29)