Can melatonin supplementation reduce testosterone levels in men?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    It’s been suggested that taking melatonin might lower testosterone levels in males. This idea stems in large part from some animal studies in which exogenously-administered melatonin reduced testosterone production.[1] However, these studies used melatonin exposures of unclear physiological relevance, so their findings should be viewed with caution. Clinical trials on human men, meanwhile, have found that melatonin supplementation of up to 6 mg per night does not reduce testosterone levels.[2][3][4][5]


    1. ^Li C, Zhou XMelatonin and male reproduction.Clin Chim Acta.(2015-Jun-15)
    2. ^Mero AA, Vähälummukka M, Hulmi JJ, Kallio P, von Wright AEffects of resistance exercise session after oral ingestion of melatonin on physiological and performance responses of adult men.Eur J Appl Physiol.(2006-Apr)
    3. ^Luboshitzky R, Levi M, Shen-Orr Z, Blumenfeld Z, Herer P, Lavie PLong-term melatonin administration does not alter pituitary-gonadal hormone secretion in normal men.Hum Reprod.(2000-Jan)
    4. ^R Luboshitzky, Z Shen-Orr, T Shochat, P Herer, P LavieMelatonin administered in the afternoon decreases next-day luteinizing hormone levels in men: lack of antagonism by flumazenilJ Mol Neurosci.(1999 Feb)
    5. ^Luboshitzky R, Shen-Orr Z, Nave R, Lavi S, Lavie PMelatonin administration alters semen quality in healthy men.J Androl.(2002)