Does psyllium affect digestive health?

    Last Updated: October 13, 2024

    Because psyllium (15–25 grams per day over 5–15 days) increases water resorption, which increases fecal weight and makes stools easier to pass, it is typically used to treat constipation.[1][2][3][4] Meta-analyses on the clinical effects of psyllium (10.2–40 grams per day over 2 to 8 weeks) for chronic constipation suggest that psyllium is effective for improving bowel movement frequency, stool consistency, and straining severity when compared with a control intervention.[5][6]

    Additional clinical studies suggest that psyllium may also help relieve some symptoms of digestive conditions. After a year of consuming psyllium seeds (20 grams per day), people with ulcerative colitis saw sustained remission and an increase in fecal butyrate comparable to standard medication therapy.[7] Symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease were also clinically improved by taking psyllium husk (15 grams per day) for 10 days.[8]


    1. ^Prynne CJ, Southgate DAThe effects of a supplement of dietary fibre on faecal excretion by human subjectsBr J Nutr.(1979 May)
    2. ^Marlett JA, Kajs TM, Fischer MHAn unfermented gel component of psyllium seed husk promotes laxation as a lubricant in humansAm J Clin Nutr.(2000 Sep)
    3. ^Marteau P, Flourié B, Cherbut C, Corrèze JL, Pellier P, Seylaz J, Rambaud JCDigestibility and bulking effect of ispaghula husks in healthy humans.Gut.(1994 Dec)
    4. ^J Stevens, P J VanSoest, J B Robertson, D A LevitskyComparison of the effects of psyllium and wheat bran on gastrointestinal transit time and stool characteristicsJ Am Diet Assoc.(1988 Mar)
    5. ^Van Der Schoot A, Katsirma Z, Whelan K, Dimidi ESystematic review and meta-analysis: Foods, drinks and diets and their effect on chronic constipation in adults.Aliment Pharmacol Ther.(2024 Jan)
    6. ^van der Schoot A, Drysdale C, Whelan K, Dimidi EThe effect of fiber supplementation on chronic constipation in adults: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.Am J Clin Nutr.(2022-Jul-11)
    7. ^F Fernández-Bañares, J Hinojosa, J L Sánchez-Lombraña, E Navarro, J F Martínez-Salmerón, A García-Pugés, F González-Huix, J Riera, V González-Lara, F Domínguez-Abascal, J J Giné, J Moles, F Gomollón, M A GassullRandomized clinical trial of Plantago ovata seeds (dietary fiber) as compared with mesalamine in maintaining remission in ulcerative colitis. Spanish Group for the Study of Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis (GETECCU)Am J Gastroenterol.(1999 Feb)
    8. ^Martin Z, Spry G, Hoult J, Maimone IR, Tang X, Crichton M, Marshall SWhat is the efficacy of dietary, nutraceutical, and probiotic interventions for the management of gastroesophageal reflux disease symptoms? A systematic literature review and meta-analysis.Clin Nutr ESPEN.(2022 Dec)