What are pycnogenol’s main benefits?

    Last Updated: March 8, 2024

    Pycnogenol possesses anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and vasoactive properties that may beneficially impact various health conditions. Despite some promising results, most health outcomes are supported by just a handful of small trials, and many of the existing trials have a high risk of bias.

    Pycnogenol may reduce the signs and symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency (e.g., leg pain, heaviness, and edema; venous ulcers; microangiopathy)[1][2][3][4] and reduce leg edema and blood clot risk during long-duration air travel (although the latter has only been observed in a single trial).[5][6]

    Short-term (≤3 months) trials have found that pycnogenol may reduce pain, improve physical functioning, and reduce the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in people with osteoarthritis.[7][8][9][10] Interestingly, research suggests that some compounds in pycnogenol can enter the synovial fluid in joints, where they may act locally to reduce inflammation and inhibit the breakdown of collagen.[11][12][13]


    1. ^Cesarone MR, Belcaro G, Agus GB, Ippolito E, Dugall M, Hosoi M, Corsi M, Cotellese R, Feragalli B, Scipione C, Scipione V, Maione CChronic venous insufficiency and venous microangiopathy: management with compression and Pycnogenol®.Minerva Cardioangiol.(2019-Aug)
    2. ^Cesarone MR, Belcaro G, Rohdewald P, Pellegrini L, Ledda A, Vinciguerra G, Ricci A, Gizzi G, Ippolito E, Fano F, Dugall M, Acerbi G, Cacchio M, Di Renzo A, Hosoi M, Stuard S, Corsi MRapid relief of signs/symptoms in chronic venous microangiopathy with pycnogenol: a prospective, controlled study.Angiology.(2006)
    3. ^Cesarone MR, Belcaro G, Rohdewald P, Pellegrini L, Ledda A, Vinciguerra G, Ricci A, Gizzi G, Ippolito E, Fano F, Dugall M, Acerbi G, Cacchio M, Di Renzo A, Hosoi M, Stuard S, Corsi MComparison of Pycnogenol and Daflon in treating chronic venous insufficiency: a prospective, controlled studyClin Appl Thromb Hemost.(2006 Apr)
    4. ^Gulati OPPycnogenol® in chronic venous insufficiency and related venous disorders.Phytother Res.(2014-Mar)
    5. ^Chan V, Wang L, Allman-Farinelli MEfficacy of Functional Foods, Beverages, and Supplements Claiming to Alleviate Air Travel Symptoms: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Nutrients.(2021-Mar-16)
    6. ^Belcaro G, Cesarone MR, Rohdewald P, Ricci A, Ippolito E, Dugall M, Griffin M, Ruffini I, Acerbi G, Vinciguerra MG, Bavera P, Di Renzo A, Errichi BM, Cerritelli FPrevention of venous thrombosis and thrombophlebitis in long-haul flights with pycnogenol.Clin Appl Thromb Hemost.(2004-Oct)
    7. ^Xiaoqian Liu, Gustavo C Machado, Jillian P Eyles, Varshini Ravi, David J HunterDietary supplements for treating osteoarthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysisBr J Sports Med.(2018 Feb)
    8. ^Belcaro G, Cesarone MR, Errichi S, Zulli C, Errichi BM, Vinciguerra G, Ledda A, Di Renzo A, Stuard S, Dugall M, Pellegrini L, Errichi S, Gizzi G, Ippolito E, Ricci A, Cacchio M, Cipollone G, Ruffini I, Fano F, Hosoi M, Rohdewald PTreatment of osteoarthritis with Pycnogenol. The SVOS (San Valentino Osteo-arthrosis Study). Evaluation of signs, symptoms, physical performance and vascular aspectsPhytother Res.(2008 Apr)
    9. ^Cisár P, Jány R, Waczulíková I, Sumegová K, Muchová J, Vojtassák J, Duraćková Z, Lisý M, Rohdewald PEffect of pine bark extract (Pycnogenol) on symptoms of knee osteoarthritisPhytother Res.(2008 Aug)
    10. ^Farid R, Mirfeizi Z, Mirheidari M, Rezaieyazdi Z, Mansouri H, Esmaelli H, Zibadi S, Rohdewald P, Watson RPycnogenol supplementation reduces pain and stiffness and improves physical function in adults with knee osteoarthritisNutr Res.(2007 Nov)
    11. ^Mülek M, Seefried L, Genest F, Högger PDistribution of Constituents and Metabolites of Maritime Pine Bark Extract (Pycnogenol) into Serum, Blood Cells, and Synovial Fluid of Patients with Severe Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Nutrients.(2017-Apr-28)
    12. ^Grimm T, Chovanová Z, Muchová J, Sumegová K, Liptáková A, Duracková Z, Högger PInhibition of NF-kappaB activation and MMP-9 secretion by plasma of human volunteers after ingestion of maritime pine bark extract (Pycnogenol).J Inflamm (Lond).(2006-Jan-27)
    13. ^Jessberger S, Högger P, Genest F, Salter DM, Seefried LCellular pharmacodynamic effects of Pycnogenol® in patients with severe osteoarthritis: a randomized controlled pilot study.BMC Complement Altern Med.(2017-Dec-16)