What are Rhodiola rosea’s main benefits?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    The main benefits of rhodiola are associated with its adaptogenic properties and include reduced stress and fatigue, as well as increased mental performance, particularly under stressful conditions. Rhodiola has an extensive track record for efficacy, with medicinal use dating back centuries, when it was used to promote healing, stress relief, and increased sense of wellbeing.[1] In preclinical studies involving model organisms such as fruit flies,[2] worms,[3] and yeast,[4] rhodiola has been shown to have anti-aging and longevity-promoting properties, as well as anti-cancer effects.[5][6] More research is needed to determine whether there are similar effects in humans. Finally, Rhodiola may be beneficial in improving the symptoms of ischemic heart disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease when used in conjunction with routine medical treatments.[7][8]


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    2. ^Samuel E Schriner, Volkan Coskun, Sean P Hogan, Cindy T Nguyen, Terry E Lopez, Mahtab JafariExtension of Drosophila Lifespan by Rhodiola rosea Depends on Dietary Carbohydrate and Caloric Content in a Simplified DietJ Med Food.(2016 Mar)
    3. ^Cong Chen, Jiangbo Song, Min Chen, Zhiquan Li, Xiaoling Tong, Hai Hu, Zhonghuai Xiang, Cheng Lu, Fangyin DaiRhodiola rosea extends lifespan and improves stress tolerance in silkworm, Bombyx moriBiogerontology.(2016 Apr)
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    5. ^E Skopińska-Rózewska, M Malinowski, A Wasiutyński, E Sommer, M Furmanowa, M Mazurkiewicz, A K SiwickiThe influence of Rhodiola quadrifida 50% hydro-alcoholic extract and salidroside on tumor-induced angiogenesis in micePol J Vet Sci.(2008)
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