What is tongkat ali?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Tongkat ali (Eurycoma longifolia), also known as longjack or Malaysian ginseng (unrelated to Panax ginseng), is an herb from Southeast Asia. The extract of the roots of the plant has been traditionally used to enhance testosterone levels in men, though it has also been proposed to be able to reduce blood pressure, fever, and fatigue. Unfortunately, there’s scant evidence to support these effects.[1] Furthermore, the internet is full of low-quality information about tongkat ali.[2]

    The main bioactive components in tongkat ali are the quassinoid compounds (eurycomanone and eurycomanol), eurycolactones, canthin-6-one metabolites, eurylene and teurilene (derivatives of squalene), and eurypeptides.


    1. ^Bhat R, Karim AATongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia Jack): a review on its ethnobotany and pharmacological importance.Fitoterapia.(2010-Oct)
    2. ^Wahab MSA, Abd Hamid NN, Yassen AO, Naim MJ, Ahamad J, Zulkifli NW, Ismail FF, Zulkifli MH, Goh KW, Ming LCHow Internet Websites Portray Herbal Vitality Products Containing : An Evaluation of the Quality and Risks of Online Information.Int J Environ Res Public Health.(2022-Sep-20)