Have any supplements been studied for atherosclerosis?



    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Yes, although exactly which supplements qualify depends on whether you count studies involving markers tightly related to atherosclerosis like LDL-C or only count studies that measure atherosclerosis more directly. A lot more studies have looked at biomarkers related to atherosclerosis than direct measurements. However, since a lot of studies have examined biomarkers like LDL-C and blood-pressure that are firmly established to actually cause atherosclerosis, the evidence base isn’t too bad.

    A very incomplete list of supplements examined for impact on atherosclerosis or its biomarkers include:[1]

    • Omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids
    • garlic and allicin (one of garlic’s main bioactives)
    • Plant sterols
    • Flavanols
    • Fiber
    • Antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin-c


    1. ^Joe W E Moss, Dipak P RamjiNutraceutical therapies for atherosclerosisNat Rev Cardiol.(2016 Sep)