Have any supplements been studied for stroke recovery and prevention?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Certain dietary supplements have been studied for stroke recovery and prevention. Multivitamins and nutrients like vitamin D, calcium, and vitamin C do not seem to prevent stroke. However, folic acid and B vitamin complex do seem to reduce the risk of stroke, especially in geographic locations that lack folic acid food fortification.[1] Fewer supplements, such as ginkgo and astragalus, have been studied for stroke recovery and evidence is inconclusive at best.[2][3]


    1. ^David J A Jenkins, J David Spence, Edward L Giovannucci, Young-In Kim, Robert G Josse, Reinhold Vieth, Sandhya Sahye-Pudaruth, Melanie Paquette, Darshna Patel, Sonia Blanco Mejia, Effie Viguiliouk, Stephanie K Nishi, Meaghan Kavanagh, Tom Tsirakis, Cyril W C Kendall, Sathish C Pichika, John L SievenpiperSupplemental Vitamins and Minerals for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Treatment: JACC Focus SeminarJ Am Coll Cardiol.(2021 Feb 2)
    2. ^Zeng X, Liu M, Yang Y, Li Y, Asplund KGinkgo biloba for acute ischaemic strokeCochrane Database Syst Rev.(2005 Oct 19)
    3. ^Chen CC, Lee HC, Chang JH, Chen SS, Li TC, Tsai CH, Cho DY, Hsieh CLChinese Herb Astragalus membranaceus Enhances Recovery of Hemorrhagic Stroke: Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized StudyEvid Based Complement Alternat Med.(2012)