Is whey protein effective for older adults?

    Last Updated: October 13, 2024

    Aging is associated with anabolic resistance — a muscle’s resistance to growth or stimulation of muscle protein synthesis (MPS) — making it harder to build or maintain muscle mass. In other words, older muscles require a greater dose of protein to stimulate a similar amount of MPS as younger muscles.[1] For this reason, older adults who want to build or maintain muscle may need more protein (per day and per meal) than the RDA recommends, and whey protein is a great source because of its potent ability to stimulate MPS.

    In adults older than 60, whey protein supplementation (often when combined with resistance training) increases physical function, improves lean mass/skeletal muscle mass and upper-body strength in those with sarcopenia/frailty,[2][3] and is effective for increasing total protein intake and MPS.[4] Whey protein and resistance training also help postmenopausal women build more upper body strength and lower-body lean mass.[5]