Examine Database: Endothelial Function
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How often should sitting be interrupted to improve blood glucose levels?
In this meta-analysis of 13 randomized crossover trials that included 211 adults, interrupting sitting more frequently (i.e., every 15 to 30 minutes compared to every 45 to 120 minutes) was better for reducing blood glucose levels (small effect size).
Curcumin may reduce blood pressure and improve endothelial function
L-arginine and beetroot supplementation and vascular function among people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Curcumin might improve biomarkers of inflammation, oxidative stress, and endothelial function
Omega−3s may reduce inflammation and improve endothelial function in heart disease
Examine Database References
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- Grape Juice - Chou EJ, Keevil JG, Aeschlimann S, Wiebe DA, Folts JD, Stein JHEffect of ingestion of purple grape juice on endothelial function in patients with coronary heart diseaseAm J Cardiol.(2001 Sep 1)
- Fish Oil - Rizza S, Tesauro M, Cardillo C, Galli A, Iantorno M, Gigli F, Sbraccia P, Federici M, Quon MJ, Lauro DFish oil supplementation improves endothelial function in normoglycemic offspring of patients with type 2 diabetesAtherosclerosis.(2009 Oct)
- Coenzyme Q10 - Gao L, Mao Q, Cao J, Wang Y, Zhou X, Fan LEffects of coenzyme Q10 on vascular endothelial function in humans: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trialsAtherosclerosis.(2011 Oct 25)
- Fish Oil - Dangardt F, Osika W, Chen Y, Nilsson U, Gan LM, Gronowitz E, Strandvik B, Friberg POmega-3 fatty acid supplementation improves vascular function and reduces inflammation in obese adolescentsAtherosclerosis.(2010 Oct)
- Coenzyme Q10 - Hamilton SJ, Chew GT, Watts GFCoenzyme Q10 improves endothelial dysfunction in statin-treated type 2 diabetic patientsDiabetes Care.(2009 May)
- Fish Oil - Pase MP, Grima NA, Sarris JDo long-chain n-3 fatty acids reduce arterial stiffness? A meta-analysis of randomised controlled trialsBr J Nutr.(2011 Oct)
- Arginine - Fahs CA, Heffernan KS, Fernhall BHemodynamic and vascular response to resistance exercise with L-arginineMed Sci Sports Exerc.(2009 Apr)
- Panax Ginseng (Korean Ginseng) - Rhee MY, Kim YS, Bae JH, Nah DY, Kim YK, Lee MM, Kim HYEffect of Korean red ginseng on arterial stiffness in subjects with hypertensionJ Altern Complement Med.(2011 Jan)
- Curcumin - Campbell MS, Ouyang A, I M K, Charnigo RJ, Westgate PM, Fleenor BSInfluence of enhanced bioavailable curcumin on obesity-associated cardiovascular disease risk factors and arterial function: A double-blinded, randomized, controlled trialNutrition.(2019 Jun)
- Panax Ginseng (Korean Ginseng) - Jovanovski E, Jenkins A, Dias AG, Peeva V, Sievenpiper J, Arnason JT, Rahelic D, Josse RG, Vuksan VEffects of Korean red ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Mayer) and its isolated ginsenosides and polysaccharides on arterial stiffness in healthy individualsAm J Hypertens.(2010 May)
- Vitamin C - Tousoulis D, Antoniades C, Vasiliadou C, Kourtellaris P, Koniari K, Marinou K, Charakida M, Ntarladimas I, Siasos G, Stefanadis CEffects of atorvastatin and vitamin C on forearm hyperaemic blood flow, asymmentrical dimethylarginine levels and the inflammatory process in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitusHeart.(2007 Feb)
- Grape Juice - Blair CK, Kelly AS, Steinberger J, Eberly LE, Napurski C, Robien K, Neglia JP, Mulrooney DA, Ross JAFeasibility and preliminary efficacy of the effects of flavanoid-rich purple grape juice on the vascular health of childhood cancer survivors: a randomized, controlled crossover trialPediatr Blood Cancer.(2014 Dec)
- Vitamin D - Gepner AD, Ramamurthy R, Krueger DC, Korcarz CE, Binkley N, Stein JHA prospective randomized controlled trial of the effects of vitamin D supplementation on cardiovascular disease riskPLoS One.(2012)
- Vitamin C - Pleiner J, Schaller G, Mittermayer F, Bayerle-Eder M, Roden M, Wolzt MFFA-induced endothelial dysfunction can be corrected by vitamin CJ Clin Endocrinol Metab.(2002 Jun)
- Coenzyme Q10 - Lee YJ, Cho WJ, Kim JK, Lee DCEffects of coenzyme Q10 on arterial stiffness, metabolic parameters, and fatigue in obese subjects: a double-blind randomized controlled studyJ Med Food.(2011 Apr)
- Vitamin C - Mullan BA, Ennis CN, Fee HJ, Young IS, McCance DRPretreatment with intravenous ascorbic acid preserves endothelial function during acute hyperglycaemia (R1)Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol.(2005 May-Jun)
- Arginine - Lucotti P, Setola E, Monti LD, Galluccio E, Costa S, Sandoli EP, Fermo I, Rabaiotti G, Gatti R, Piatti PBeneficial effects of a long-term oral L-arginine treatment added to a hypocaloric diet and exercise training program in obese, insulin-resistant type 2 diabetic patientsAm J Physiol Endocrinol Metab.(2006 Nov)
- Magnesium - Byrne J, Murphy C, Keogh JB, Clifton PMThe Effect of Magnesium Supplementation on Endothelial Function: A Randomised Cross-Over Pilot Study.Int J Environ Res Public Health.(2021-Aug-02)
- Magnesium - Murphy C, Byrne J, Keogh JB, Headland ML, Clifton PMThe Acute Effect of Magnesium Supplementation on Endothelial Function: A Randomized Cross-Over Pilot Study.Int J Environ Res Public Health.(2021-May-17)
- Magnesium - Marques BCAA, Klein MRST, da Cunha MR, de Souza Mattos S, de Paula Nogueira L, de Paula T, Corrêa FM, Oigman W, Neves MFEffects of Oral Magnesium Supplementation on Vascular Function: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.High Blood Press Cardiovasc Prev.(2020-Feb)
- Vitamin D - Rajakumar K, Moore CG, Khalid AT, Vallejo AN, Virji MA, Holick MF, Greenspan SL, Arslanian S, Reis SEEffect of vitamin D3 supplementation on vascular and metabolic health of vitamin D-deficient overweight and obese children: a randomized clinical trial.Am J Clin Nutr.(2020-Apr-01)
- Whey Protein - Hajizadeh-Sharafabad F, Sharifi Zahabi E, Tarighat-Esfanjani ARole of whey protein in vascular function: a systematic review and meta-analysis of human intervention studies.Br J Nutr.(2022-Aug-28)
- Mediterranean Diet - Schwingshackl L, Hoffmann GMediterranean dietary pattern, inflammation and endothelial function: a systematic review and meta-analysis of intervention trialsNutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis.(2014 Sep)
- Mediterranean Diet - Shannon OM, Mendes I, Köchl C, Mazidi M, Ashor AW, Rubele S, Minihane AM, Mathers JC, Siervo MMediterranean Diet Increases Endothelial Function in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.J Nutr.(2020-May-01)
- Mediterranean Diet - Fatima K, Rashid AM, Memon UAA, Fatima SS, Javaid SS, Shahid O, Zehri F, Obaid MA, Ahmad M, Almas T, Minhas AMKMediterranean Diet and its Effect on Endothelial Function: A Meta-analysis and Systematic Review.Ir J Med Sci.(2023-Feb)
- Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) - Xin Yi, Yanli Zhou, Dingsheng Jiang, Xiaoyan Li, Yi Guo, Xuejun JiangEfficacy of folic acid supplementation on endothelial function and plasma homocysteine concentration in coronary artery disease: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trialsExp Ther Med.(2014 May)
- Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) - Bokayeva K, Jamka M, Banaszak M, Makarewicz-Bukowska A, Adamczak A, Chrobot M, Janicka A, Jaworska N, Walkowiak JThe Effect of Folic Acid Supplementation on Endothelial Function and Arterial Stiffness Markers in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Healthcare (Basel).(2023-Sep-13)
- Resveratrol - Akbari M, Tamtaji OR, Lankarani KB, Tabrizi R, Dadgostar E, Kolahdooz F, Jamilian M, Mirzaei H, Asemi ZThe Effects of Resveratrol Supplementation on Endothelial Function and Blood Pressures Among Patients with Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.High Blood Press Cardiovasc Prev.(2019-Aug)
- Resveratrol - Samuel R Weaver, Catarina Rendeiro, Helen M McGettrick, Andrew Philp, Samuel J E LucasFine wine or sour grapes? A systematic review and meta-analysis of the impact of red wine polyphenols on vascular healthEur J Nutr.(2021 Feb)
- Resveratrol - Mohammadipoor N, Shafiee F, Rostami A, Kahrizi MS, Soleimanpour H, Ghodsi M, Ansari MJ, Bokov DO, Jannat B, Mosharkesh E, Pour Abbasi MSResveratrol supplementation efficiently improves endothelial health: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.Phytother Res.(2022-Sep)
- Black seed - Ali M, Tantawi M, Kamel AH, Tameemi ZF, Rezk AA, Abdo M, Mostafa RS, Ramadan A, Elmasry M, Bahbah EIEndothelial Function Responses to Nigella sativa (Black Seed) Supplementation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.Cureus.(2024 May)
- Blueberry - Deng B, Lei Y, Zhou R, Ruan T, Lu W, Ying J, Yue Y, Mu DEffect of blueberry intervention on endothelial function: a systematic review and meta-analysis.Front Physiol.(2024)
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Ibrahim Mohialdeen Gubari MEffect of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on markers of inflammation and endothelial function in patients with chronic heart disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis.Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand).(2024 Jun 5)
- Nitrate - Wang J, Feng F, Zhao Y, Bai L, Xu Y, Wei Y, He H, Zhou XDietary nitrate supplementation to enhance exercise capacity in patients with COPD: Evidence from a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials and a network pharmacological analysis.Respir Med.(2024-Feb)
- Beetroot - Shepherd AI, Costello JT, Bailey SJ, Bishop N, Wadley AJ, Young-Min S, Gilchrist M, Mayes H, White D, Gorczynski P, Saynor ZL, Massey H, Eglin CM"Beet" the cold: beetroot juice supplementation improves peripheral blood flow, endothelial function, and anti-inflammatory status in individuals with Raynaud's phenomenon.J Appl Physiol (1985).(2019 Nov 1)
- TUDCA - Walsh LK, Restaino RM, Neuringer M, Manrique C, Padilla JAdministration of tauroursodeoxycholic acid prevents endothelial dysfunction caused by an oral glucose load.Clin Sci (Lond).(2016 Nov 1)