Nasal Congestion

    Last Updated: October 13, 2024

    Nasal congestion refers to conditions such as allergic rhinitus or sickness where an excess of mucus is able to clog the nasal passages and impair breathing. Some supplements are said to reduce this congestion.

    Examine Database: Nasal Congestion

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    Examine Database References

    1. Ephedrine - Taverner D, Danz C, Economos DThe effects of oral pseudoephedrine on nasal patency in the common cold: a double-blind single-dose placebo-controlled trialClin Otolaryngol Allied Sci.(1999 Feb)
    2. Spirulina - Cingi C, Conk-Dalay M, Cakli H, Bal CThe effects of spirulina on allergic rhinitisEur Arch Otorhinolaryngol.(2008 Oct)
    3. ECA - Loose I, Winkel MClinical, double-blind, placebo-controlled study investigating the combination of acetylsalicylic acid and pseudoephedrine for the symptomatic treatment of nasal congestion associated with common coldArzneimittelforschung.(2004)
    4. Rosmarinic Acid - Takano H, Osakabe N, Sanbongi C, Yanagisawa R, Inoue K, Yasuda A, Natsume M, Baba S, Ichiishi E, Yoshikawa TExtract of Perilla frutescens enriched for rosmarinic acid, a polyphenolic phytochemical, inhibits seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis in humansExp Biol Med (Maywood).(2004 Mar)
    5. Stinging Nettle - Mittman PRandomized, double-blind study of freeze-dried Urtica dioica in the treatment of allergic rhinitisPlanta Med.(1990 Feb)
    6. Spirulina - Morteza Nourollahian, Bashir Rasoulian, Attaallah Gafari, Majid Anoushiravani, Farahzad Jabari, Mehdi BakhshaeeClinical comparison of the efficacy of spirulina platensis and cetirizine for treatment of allergic rhinitisActa Otorhinolaryngol Ital.(2020 Jun)
    7. Bromelain - J M Braun, B Schneider, H J BeuthTherapeutic use, efficiency and safety of the proteolytic pineapple enzyme Bromelain-POS in children with acute sinusitis in GermanyIn Vivo.(Mar-Apr 2005)
    8. Astragalus - Matkovic Z, Zivkovic V, Korica M, Plavec D, Pecanic S, Tudoric NEfficacy and safety of Astragalus membranaceus in the treatment of patients with seasonal allergic rhinitisPhytother Res.(2010 Feb)
    9. Chinese sweet leaf - Yonekura S, Okamoto Y, Yamasaki K, Horiguchi S, Hanazawa T, Matsune S, Kurono Y, Yamada T, Fujieda S, Okano M, Okubo KA randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of ten-cha (Rubus suavissimus) on house dust mite allergic rhinitisAuris Nasus Larynx.(2011 Oct)
    10. MSM - Eleanor Barrager, Joseph R Veltmann Jr, Alexander G Schauss, Rebecca N SchillerA multicentered, open-label trial on the safety and efficacy of methylsulfonylmethane in the treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitisJ Altern Complement Med.(2002 Apr)
    11. Ephedrine - Eccles R, Jawad MS, Jawad SS, Angello JT, Druce HMEfficacy and safety of single and multiple doses of pseudoephedrine in the treatment of nasal congestion associated with common coldAm J Rhinol.(2005 Jan-Feb)
    12. Black seed - Nikakhlagh S, Rahim F, Aryani FH, Syahpoush A, Brougerdnya MG, Saki NHerbal treatment of allergic rhinitis: the use of Nigella sativaAm J Otolaryngol.(2011 Sep-Oct)
    13. Guduchi - Badar VA, Thawani VR, Wakode PT, Shrivastava MP, Gharpure KJ, Hingorani LL, Khiyani RMEfficacy of Tinospora cordifolia in allergic rhinitisJ Ethnopharmacol.(2005 Jan 15)