Examine Database: General Cancer Care and Prevention
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Tomatoes and lycopene may protect against cancer incidence and mortality
In this meta-analysis of 119 prospective cohort studies with 4,598,358 participants, the dietary intake of tomatoes or lycopene or the blood levels of lycopene were associated with lower risks of cancer or cancer mortality.
The role of alcohol consumption on the risk of cancer recurrence and treatment toxicity
Higher olive oil consumption is linked to a lower mortality risk
Facing cancer with laughter: A path to better mental health?
The role of dietary and supplemental vitamin C in cancer risk
Examine Database References
- Natural Killer Cell Activity - Gao Y, Zhou S, Jiang W, Huang M, Dai XEffects of ganopoly (a Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide extract) on the immune functions in advanced-stage cancer patientsImmunol Invest.(2003 Aug)
- TNF-Alpha - Peter Smoak, Nicholas Harman, Victoria Flores, Jacob Kisiolek, Nicholas A Pullen, Jonathan Lisano, Reid Hayward, Laura K StewartKefir Is a Viable Exercise Recovery Beverage for Cancer Survivors Enrolled in a Structured Exercise ProgramMed Sci Sports Exerc.(2021 Oct 1)
- Depression Symptoms - Russell K Portenoy, Elena Doina Ganae-Motan, Silvia Allende, Ronald Yanagihara, Lauren Shaiova, Sharon Weinstein, Robert McQuade, Stephen Wright, Marie T FallonNabiximols for opioid-treated cancer patients with poorly-controlled chronic pain: a randomized, placebo-controlled, graded-dose trialJ Pain.(2012 May)
- Quality of Life - Gil Bar-Sela, Daniela Zalman, Valerya Semenysty, Eyal BallanThe Effects of Dosage-Controlled Cannabis Capsules on Cancer-Related Cachexia and Anorexia Syndrome in Advanced Cancer Patients: Pilot StudyIntegr Cancer Ther.(Jan-Dec 2019)
- Analgesic Use - Marie T Fallon, Eberhard Albert Lux, Robert McQuade, Sandro Rossetti, Raymond Sanchez, Wei Sun, Stephen Wright, Aron H Lichtman, Elena KornyeyevaSativex oromucosal spray as adjunctive therapy in advanced cancer patients with chronic pain unalleviated by optimized opioid therapy: two double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled phase 3 studiesBr J Pain.(2017 Aug)
- Analgesic Use - Aron H Lichtman, Eberhard Albert Lux, Robert McQuade, Sandro Rossetti, Raymond Sanchez, Wei Sun, Stephen Wright, Elena Kornyeyeva, Marie T FallonResults of a Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study of Nabiximols Oromucosal Spray as an Adjunctive Therapy in Advanced Cancer Patients with Chronic Uncontrolled PainJ Pain Symptom Manage.(2018 Feb)
- Analgesic Use - Jeremy R Johnson, Mary Burnell-Nugent, Dominique Lossignol, Elena Doina Ganae-Motan, Richard Potts, Marie T FallonMulticenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study of the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of THC:CBD extract and THC extract in patients with intractable cancer-related painJ Pain Symptom Manage.(2010 Feb)
- Depression Symptoms - Lin G, Yang L, Wang Y, Lin R, Huang B, Sheng X, Wu X, Cao ZThe Efficacy of Laughter Therapy on Psychological Symptoms in People With Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Studies.Psychooncology.(2024 Oct 20)
- Quality of Life - Salido-Bueno B, Gil-Hernandez E, Rueda-Ruzafa L, Gomez-Chica P, Roman P, Cardona DEffects of ketogenic diets on cancer-related variables: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.Nutr Bull.(2024 Jun 24)
- C-Reactive Protein (CRP) - Blair CK, Kelly AS, Steinberger J, Eberly LE, Napurski C, Robien K, Neglia JP, Mulrooney DA, Ross JAFeasibility and preliminary efficacy of the effects of flavanoid-rich purple grape juice on the vascular health of childhood cancer survivors: a randomized, controlled crossover trialPediatr Blood Cancer.(2014 Dec)
- Fatigue Symptoms - Tahereh Fathi Najafia, Narjes Bahrib, Hamid Reza Tohidinik, Sahar Feyza, Farnaz Blokia, Safora Savarkar, Shayesteh JahanfarTreatment of cancer-related fatigue with ginseng: A systematic review and meta-analysisJournal of Herbal Medicine.()
- Colorectal Cancer Risk - Yun TK, Choi SYPreventive effect of ginseng intake against various human cancers: a case-control study on 1987 pairsCancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev.(1995 Jun)
- Overall Cancer Risk - Taik-Koo Yun, Shu Zheng, Soo-Yong Choi, Shan Rong Cai, Yun-Sil Lee, Xi Yong Liu, Kyung Ja Cho, Kun Young ParkNon-organ-specific preventive effect of long-term administration of Korean red ginseng extract on incidence of human cancersJ Med Food.(2010 Jun)
- Weight - Ingrid Toews, Szimonetta Lohner, Daniela Küllenberg de Gaudry, Harriet Sommer, Joerg J MeerpohlAssociation Between Intake of Non-Sugar Sweeteners and Health Outcomes: Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses of Randomised and Non-Randomised Controlled Trials and Observational StudiesBMJ.(2019 Jan 2)
- Esophageal Cancer Risk - Szymańska K, Matos E, Hung RJ, Wünsch-Filho V, Eluf-Neto J, Menezes A, Daudt AW, Brennan P, Boffetta PDrinking of maté and the risk of cancers of the upper aerodigestive tract in Latin America: a case-control studyCancer Causes Control.(2010 Nov)
- Esophageal Cancer Risk - Lonn E, Bosch J, Yusuf S, Sheridan P, Pogue J, Arnold JM, Ross C, Arnold A, Sleight P, Probstfield J, Dagenais GR, HOPE and HOPE-TOO Trial InvestigatorsEffects of long-term vitamin E supplementation on cardiovascular events and cancer: a randomized controlled trialJAMA.(2005 Mar 16)
- Lung Cancer Risk - Buring JEAspirin prevents stroke but not MI in women; vitamin E has no effect on CV disease or cancerCleve Clin J Med.(2006 Sep)
- Cardiovascular Disease Mortality - Lee IM, Cook NR, Gaziano JM, Gordon D, Ridker PM, Manson JE, Hennekens CH, Buring JEVitamin E in the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer: the Women's Health Study: a randomized controlled trialJAMA.(2005 Jul 6)
- Prostate Cancer Risk - Lippman SM, Klein EA, Goodman PJ, Lucia MS, Thompson IM, Ford LG, Parnes HL, Minasian LM, Gaziano JM, Hartline JA, Parsons JK, Bearden JD 3rd, Crawford ED, Goodman GE, Claudio J, Winquist E, Cook ED, Karp DD, Walther P, Lieber MM, Kristal AR, Darke AK, Arnold KB, Ganz PA, Santella RM, Albanes D, Taylor PR, Probstfield JL, Jagpal TJ, Crowley JJ, Meyskens FL Jr, Baker LH, Coltman CA JrEffect of selenium and vitamin E on risk of prostate cancer and other cancers: the Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial (SELECT)JAMA.(2009 Jan 7)
- Esophageal Cancer Risk - Vollset SE, Clarke R, Lewington S, Ebbing M, Halsey J, Lonn E, Armitage J, Manson JE, Hankey GJ, Spence JD, Galan P, Bønaa KH, Jamison R, Gaziano JM, Guarino P, Baron JA, Logan RF, Giovannucci EL, den Heijer M, Ueland PM, Bennett D, Collins R, Peto R, B-Vitamin Treatment Trialists' CollaborationEffects of folic acid supplementation on overall and site-specific cancer incidence during the randomised trials: meta-analyses of data on 50,000 individualsLancet.(2013 Mar 23)
- Lung Cancer Risk - Schwingshackl, L., et al.Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and Risk of Cancer: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisNutrients.(2017-09-26)
- Cancer Mortality - Mills E, Wu P, Seely D, Guyatt GMelatonin in the treatment of cancer: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials and meta-analysisJ Pineal Res.(2005 Nov)
- Breast Cancer Risk - Biggs ML, Sorkin BC, Nahin RL, Kuller LH, Fitzpatrick ALGinkgo biloba and risk of cancer: secondary analysis of the Ginkgo Evaluation of Memory (GEM) StudyPharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf.(2010 Jul)
- Dysgeusia - Lyckholm L, Heddinger SP, Parker G, Coyne PJ, Ramakrishnan V, Smith TJ, Henkin RIA randomized, placebo controlled trial of oral zinc for chemotherapy-related taste and smell disordersJ Pain Palliat Care Pharmacother.(2012 Jun)
- Constipation Signs and Symptoms - Agra Y, Sacristán A, González M, Ferrari M, Portugués A, Calvo MJEfficacy of senna versus lactulose in terminal cancer patients treated with opioidsJ Pain Symptom Manage.(1998 Jan)
- Liver Enzymes - Santini D, Vincenzi B, Massacesi C, Picardi A, Gentilucci UV, Esposito V, Liuzzi G, La Cesa A, Rocci L, Marcucci F, Montesarchio V, Groeger AM, Bonsignori M, Tonini GS-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) supplementation for treatment of chemotherapy-induced liver injuryAnticancer Res.(2003 Nov-Dec)
- Hemoglobin - Ge Y, Kang Y, Dong L, Liu L, An GThe efficacy of dietary Spirulina as an adjunct to chemotherapy to improve immune function and reduce myelosuppression in patients with malignant tumorsTransl Cancer Res.()
- Lower Body Strength - Srinivasaraghavan N, Das N, Balakrishnan K, Rajaram SEffect of Whey Protein Supplementation on Perioperative Outcomes in Patients with Cancer-A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PROSPERO 2020: CRD42020188666).Nutr Cancer.(2022)