Examine analyzes and summarizes research to determine which supplements and non-pharmaceutical interventions work.
Learn how to use Examine.
See what the evidence shows. Information on Examine is organized into 26 health categories covering hundreds of conditions. Interventions like supplements and diets are evaluated based on measurable changes in specific outcomes like LDL and blood pressure.
Health is an enormous field of study, but everyone is different. Ensure you’re only getting the information that’s relevant to you with our personalization options, customizable research feed, and information management tools like notes and collections. Turn Examine into your learning hub.
Meet ExamineAI! Our chatbot exclusively uses material already published on Examine to answer your questions.
Everything we publish is still human-made from start to finish, but now it’s more accessible than ever.
Over 15,000 individual members and over 100 organizations rely on us for unbiased and trustworthy research analysis.
We provide team-wide memberships to academic, medical, and public libraries, community health organizations, professional sports teams, medical practices, government advisory boards, and more.
Examine is your source for the trustworthy health information and latest research analysis your team needs to stay on top.