
    Last Updated: October 13, 2024

    Blueberries are a fruit that contain a lot of molecules called anthocyanins. These antioxidant compounds are often supplemented for their ability to improve cognition.


    Blueberries are a small, blue-purple fruit that belong to the genus vaccinium, which also includes cranberries and bilberries.

    Blueberries are a popular food and frequently supplemented. The antioxidant and anthocyanin content of blueberries makes them particularly effective at reducing cognitive decline, supporting cardiovascular health, protecting the liver, and reducing liver fat buildup.

    Blueberries may also have a potential nootropic effect. They have been found to improve cognition in people undergoing cognitive decline, but there is also some rodent evidence that suggests blueberries can improve cognition in healthy young people as well. They may also have a role to play in promoting the growth of nervous tissue and reducing neurological inflammation.

    Blueberries can be eaten or supplemented through blueberry powder. Isolated anthocyanins are also an effective supplement. Blueberries are both a food product and dietary supplement.

    What are other names for Blueberry?

    Note that Blueberry is also known as:
    • Blueberries
    • Blue berries

    Dosage information

    Blueberries can be supplemented through a blueberry extract, isolated anthocyanins, or frozen or fresh blueberries.

    For dried blueberry powder, 5.5 g is the minimum likely effective dose for brain health and cardiovascular health, with higher doses possibly being more effective, though it is not clear. Future updates may reveal an optimal dose. For isolated anthocyanin supplementation, 500 mg may be effective, though there are other beneficial substances in blueberries that will not be present. The minimum likely effective dose for blueberry extract translates to approximately 60 g of fresh berries.

    Blueberries should be eaten or supplemented daily. They are best stored in cold environments, like a refrigerator. Blanching blueberries is known to increase anthocyanin bioavailability, but excessive heat treatment or exposure will degrade the anthocyanin content.

    Research Breakdown