Examine Database: Metabolic Rate
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Does a drink containing a probiotic and inulin increase resting energy expenditure?
Finding the threshold for low energy availability in men
Does exercise burn fewer calories than expected?
Fortifying orange juice to improve its health effects
Examine Database References
- Niacin (Vitamin B3) - Kelly JJ, Lawson JA, Campbell LV, Storlien LH, Jenkins AB, Whitworth JA, O'Sullivan AJEffects of nicotinic acid on insulin sensitivity and blood pressure in healthy subjectsJ Hum Hypertens.(2000 Sep)
- Yerba Mate - Alkhatib AYerba Maté (Illex Paraguariensis) ingestion augments fat oxidation and energy expenditure during exercise at various submaximal intensitiesNutr Metab (Lond).(2014 Sep 2)
- Ginger - Muhammad S Mansour, Yu-Ming Ni, Amy L Roberts, Michael Kelleman, Arindam Roychoudhury, Marie-Pierre St-OngeGinger consumption enhances the thermic effect of food and promotes feelings of satiety without affecting metabolic and hormonal parameters in overweight men: a pilot studyMetabolism.(2012 Oct)
- Medium-chain Triglycerides - A A Papamandjaris, M D White, P J JonesComponents of total energy expenditure in healthy young women are not affected after 14 days of feeding with medium-versus long-chain triglyceridesObes Res.(1999 May)
- Ketogenic Diet - Johnston CS, Tjonn SL, Swan PD, White A, Hutchins H, Sears BKetogenic low-carbohydrate diets have no metabolic advantage over nonketogenic low-carbohydrate dietsAm J Clin Nutr.(2006 May)
- Vitamin D - Zittermann A, Frisch S, Berthold HK, Götting C, Kuhn J, Kleesiek K, Stehle P, Koertke H, Koerfer RVitamin D supplementation enhances the beneficial effects of weight loss on cardiovascular disease risk markersAm J Clin Nutr.(2009 May)
- Caffeine - Astrup A, Toubro S, Cannon S, Hein P, Breum L, Madsen JCaffeine: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of its thermogenic, metabolic, and cardiovascular effects in healthy volunteersAm J Clin Nutr.(1990 May)
- ECA - T J Horton, C A GeisslerPost-prandial thermogenesis with ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin in lean, pre-disposed obese and obese womenInt J Obes Relat Metab Disord.(1996 Feb)
- Green Tea Extract - Thielecke F, Rahn G, Böhnke J, Adams F, Birkenfeld AL, Jordan J, Boschmann MEpigallocatechin-3-gallate and postprandial fat oxidation in overweight/obese male volunteers: a pilot studyEur J Clin Nutr.(2010 Jul)
- Chromium - Julie Martin, Zhong Q Wang, Xian H Zhang, Deborah Wachtel, Julia Volaufova, Dwight E Matthews, William T CefaluChromium picolinate supplementation attenuates body weight gain and increases insulin sensitivity in subjects with type 2 diabetesDiabetes Care.(2006 Aug)
- Conjugated Linoleic Acid - Kamphuis MM, Lejeune MP, Saris WH, Westerterp-Plantenga MSThe effect of conjugated linoleic acid supplementation after weight loss on body weight regain, body composition, and resting metabolic rate in overweight subjectsInt J Obes Relat Metab Disord.(2003 Jul)
- Ketogenic Diet - Boden G, Sargrad K, Homko C, Mozzoli M, Stein TPEffect of a low-carbohydrate diet on appetite, blood glucose levels, and insulin resistance in obese patients with type 2 diabetesAnn Intern Med.(2005 Mar 15)
- L-Carnitine - Villani RG, Gannon J, Self M, Rich PAL-Carnitine supplementation combined with aerobic training does not promote weight loss in moderately obese womenInt J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab.(2000 Jun)
- Conjugated Linoleic Acid - Watras AC, Buchholz AC, Close RN, Zhang Z, Schoeller DAThe role of conjugated linoleic acid in reducing body fat and preventing holiday weight gainInt J Obes (Lond).(2007 Mar)
- Medium-chain Triglycerides - White MD, Papamandjaris AA, Jones PJEnhanced postprandial energy expenditure with medium-chain fatty acid feeding is attenuated after 14 d in premenopausal womenAm J Clin Nutr.(1999 May)
- Ephedrine - Astrup A, Lundsgaard C, Madsen J, Christensen NJEnhanced thermogenic responsiveness during chronic ephedrine treatment in manAm J Clin Nutr.(1985 Jul)
- Resveratrol - Timmers S, Konings E, Bilet L, Houtkooper RH, van de Weijer T, Goossens GH, Hoeks J, van der Krieken S, Ryu D, Kersten S, Moonen-Kornips E, Hesselink MK, Kunz I, Schrauwen-Hinderling VB, Blaak EE, Auwerx J, Schrauwen PCalorie restriction-like effects of 30 days of resveratrol supplementation on energy metabolism and metabolic profile in obese humansCell Metab.(2011 Nov 2)
- L-Carnitine - Gaetano A, Mingrone G, Castagneto, M, Calvani MCarnitine Increases Glucose Disposal in HumansJ Am Coll Nutr.()
- Green Tea Extract - Lonac MC, Richards JC, Schweder MM, Johnson TK, Bell CInfluence of short-term consumption of the caffeine-free, epigallocatechin-3-gallate supplement, Teavigo, on resting metabolism and the thermic effect of feedingObesity (Silver Spring).(2011 Feb)
- 7-Keto DHEA - Zenk JL, Frestedt JL, Kuskowski MAHUM5007, a novel combination of thermogenic compounds, and 3-acetyl-7-oxo-dehydroepiandrosterone: each increases the resting metabolic rate of overweight adultsJ Nutr Biochem.(2007 Sep)
- Grains of Paradise - Sugita J, Yoneshiro T, Hatano T, Aita S, Ikemoto T, Uchiwa H, Iwanaga T, Kameya T, Kawai Y, Saito MGrains of paradise (Aframomum melegueta) extract activates brown adipose tissue and increases whole-body energy expenditure in menBr J Nutr.(2013 Jan 11)
- Bitter orange - Stohs SJ, Preuss HG, Keith SC, Keith PL, Miller H, Kaats GREffects of p-synephrine alone and in combination with selected bioflavonoids on resting metabolism, blood pressure, heart rate and self-reported mood changesInt J Med Sci.(2011 Apr 28)
- Ephedrine - Molnár DEffects of ephedrine and aminophylline on resting energy expenditure in obese adolescentsInt J Obes Relat Metab Disord.(1993 Feb)
- Caffeine - Del Coso J, Salinero JJ, Gonzalez-Millan C, Abian-Vicen J, Perez-Gonzalez BDose response effects of a caffeine-containing energy drink on muscle performance: a repeated measures designJ Int Soc Sports Nutr.(2012 May 8)
- Ketogenic Diet - Urbain P, Strom L, Morawski L, Wehrle A, Deibert P, Bertz HImpact of a 6-week non-energy-restricted ketogenic diet on physical fitness, body composition and biochemical parameters in healthy adultsNutr Metab (Lond).(2017 Feb 20)
- Ephedrine - Pasquali R, Casimirri F, Melchionda N, Grossi G, Bortoluzzi L, Morselli Labate AM, Stefanini C, Raitano AEffects of chronic administration of ephedrine during very-low-calorie diets on energy expenditure, protein metabolism and hormone levels in obese subjectsClin Sci (Lond).(1992 Jan)
- Quercetin - Egert S, Rimbach G, Müller MJNo evidence for a thermic effect of the dietary flavonol quercetin: a pilot study in healthy normal-weight womenEur J Appl Physiol.(2011 May)
- L-Carnitine - Satoshi Odo, Koji Tanabe, Masafumi Yohda, Masamitsu YamauchiLiver-Oriented Acute Metabolic Effects of A Low Dose of L-Carnitine under Fat-Mobilizing Conditions: Pilot Human Clinical TrialJ Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo).(2020)
- Creatine - Arciero PJ, Hannibal NS 3rd, Nindl BC, Gentile CL, Hamed J, Vukovich MDComparison of creatine ingestion and resistance training on energy expenditure and limb blood flowMetabolism.(2001 Dec)
- Ketogenic Diet - Vazquez JA, Kazi ULipolysis and gluconeogenesis from glycerol during weight reduction with very-low-calorie dietsMetabolism.(1994 Oct)
- Fish Oil - C Couet, J Delarue, P Ritz, J M Antoine, F LamisseEffect of dietary fish oil on body fat mass and basal fat oxidation in healthy adultsInt J Obes Relat Metab Disord.(1997 Aug)
- Ketogenic Diet - Parker N Hyde, Teryn N Sapper, Christopher D Crabtree, Richard A LaFountain, Madison L Bowling, Alex Buga, Brandon Fell, Fionn T McSwiney, Ryan M Dickerson, Vincent J Miller, Debbie Scandling, Orlando P Simonetti, Stephen D Phinney, William J Kraemer, Sarah A King, Ronald M Krauss, Jeff S VolekDietary carbohydrate restriction improves metabolic syndrome independent of weight lossJCI Insight.(2019 Jun 20)
- Betaine - Schwab U, Törrönen A, Toppinen L, Alfthan G, Saarinen M, Aro A, Uusitupa MBetaine supplementation decreases plasma homocysteine concentrations but does not affect body weight, body composition, or resting energy expenditure in human subjectsAm J Clin Nutr.(2002 Nov)
- ECA - Horton TJ, Geissler CAAspirin potentiates the effect of ephedrine on the thermogenic response to a meal in obese but not lean womenInt J Obes.(1991 May)
- Green Tea Extract - Gregersen NT, Bitz C, Krog-Mikkelsen I, Hels O, Kovacs EM, Rycroft JA, Frandsen E, Mela DJ, Astrup AEffect of moderate intakes of different tea catechins and caffeine on acute measures of energy metabolism under sedentary conditionsBr J Nutr.(2009 Oct)
- Rhodiola Rosea - Duncan MJ, Clarke NDThe Effect of Acute Rhodiola rosea Ingestion on Exercise Heart Rate, Substrate Utilisation, Mood State, and Perceptions of Exertion, Arousal, and Pleasure/Displeasure in Active MenJ Sports Med (Hindawi Publ Corp).(2014)
- Ephedrine - B Nielsen, A Astrup, P Samuelsen, H Wengholt, N J ChristensenEffect of physical training on thermogenic responses to cold and ephedrine in obesityInt J Obes Relat Metab Disord.(1993 Jul)
- Brown Seaweed Extract - Abidov M, Ramazanov Z, Seifulla R, Grachev SThe effects of Xanthigen in the weight management of obese premenopausal women with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and normal liver fatDiabetes Obes Metab.(2010 Jan)
- Conjugated Linoleic Acid - Lambert EV, Goedecke JH, Bluett K, Heggie K, Claassen A, Rae DE, West S, Dugas J, Dugas L, Meltzeri S, Charlton K, Mohede IConjugated linoleic acid versus high-oleic acid sunflower oil: effects on energy metabolism, glucose tolerance, blood lipids, appetite and body composition in regularly exercising individualsBr J Nutr.(2007 May)
- Ephedrine - A Astrup, J Bülow, J Madsen, N J ChristensenContribution of BAT and skeletal muscle to thermogenesis induced by ephedrine in manAm J Physiol.(1985 May)
- Yerba Mate - Martinet A, Hostettmann K, Schutz YThermogenic effects of commercially available plant preparations aimed at treating human obesityPhytomedicine.(1999 Oct)
- Cannabis - C W Zwillich, R Doekel, S Hammill, J V WeilThe effects of smoked marijuana on metabolism and respiratory controlAm Rev Respir Dis.(1978 Nov)
- Sodium Bicarbonate - Smith GI, Jeukendrup AE, Ball DSodium acetate induces a metabolic alkalosis but not the increase in fatty acid oxidation observed following bicarbonate ingestion in humansJ Nutr.(2007 Jul)
- Conjugated Linoleic Acid - Nazare JA, de la Perrière AB, Bonnet F, Desage M, Peyrat J, Maitrepierre C, Louche-Pelissier C, Bruzeau J, Goudable J, Lassel T, Vidal H, Laville MDaily intake of conjugated linoleic acid-enriched yoghurts: effects on energy metabolism and adipose tissue gene expression in healthy subjectsBr J Nutr.(2007 Feb)
- Conjugated Linoleic Acid - Close RN, Schoeller DA, Watras AC, Nora EHConjugated linoleic acid supplementation alters the 6-mo change in fat oxidation during sleepAm J Clin Nutr.(2007 Sep)
- Nicotine - Jessen AB, Toubro S, Astrup AEffect of chewing gum containing nicotine and caffeine on energy expenditure and substrate utilization in menAm J Clin Nutr.(2003 Jun)
- Ephedrine - Dulloo AG, Miller DSThe thermogenic properties of ephedrine/methylxanthine mixtures: human studiesInt J Obes.(1986)
- Paleolithic Diet - C Mellberg, S Sandberg, M Ryberg, M Eriksson, S Brage, C Larsson, T Olsson, B LindahlLong-term effects of a Palaeolithic-type diet in obese postmenopausal women: a 2-year randomized trialEur J Clin Nutr.(2014 Mar)
- 16:8 Intermittent Fasting - Matthew T Stratton, Grant M Tinsley, Michaela G Alesi, Garrett M Hester, Alex A Olmos, Paul R Serafini, Andrew S Modjeski, Gerald T Mangine, Kelsey King, Shelby N Savage, Austin T Webb, Trisha A VanDusseldorpFour Weeks of Time-Restricted Feeding Combined with Resistance Training Does Not Differentially Influence Measures of Body Composition, Muscle Performance, Resting Energy Expenditure, and Blood BiomarkersNutrients.(2020 Apr 17)
- 16:8 Intermittent Fasting - Tatiana Moro, Grant Tinsley, Antonino Bianco, Giuseppe Marcolin, Quirico Francesco Pacelli, Giuseppe Battaglia, Antonio Palma, Paulo Gentil, Marco Neri, Antonio PaoliEffects of eight weeks of time-restricted feeding (16/8) on basal metabolism, maximal strength, body composition, inflammation, and cardiovascular risk factors in resistance-trained malesJ Transl Med.(2016 Oct 13)
- 16:8 Intermittent Fasting - Grant M Tinsley, M Lane Moore, Austin J Graybeal, Antonio Paoli, Youngdeok Kim, Joaquin U Gonzales, John R Harry, Trisha A VanDusseldorp, Devin N Kennedy, Megan R CruzTime-restricted feeding plus resistance training in active females: a randomized trialAm J Clin Nutr.(2019 Sep 1)
- Bitter orange - Greenway F, de Jonge-Levitan L, Martin C, Roberts A, Grundy I, Parker CDietary herbal supplements with phenylephrine for weight loss.J Med Food.(2006)
- Caffeine - Hursel R, Viechtbauer W, Dulloo AG, Tremblay A, Tappy L, Rumpler W, Westerterp-Plantenga MSThe effects of catechin rich teas and caffeine on energy expenditure and fat oxidation: a meta-analysisObes Rev.(2011 Jul)
- Elderberry - Rust BM, Riordan JO, Carbonero FG, Solverson PMOne-Week Elderberry Juice Treatment Increases Carbohydrate Oxidation after a Meal Tolerance Test and Is Well Tolerated in Adults: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study.Nutrients.(2023-Apr-25)
- Casein - Justin Dela Cruz, David KahanPre-Sleep Casein Supplementation, Metabolism, and Appetite: A Systematic ReviewNutrients.(2021 May 30)