
    Last Updated: March 21, 2024

    Curcumin is the primary bioactive substance in turmeric. It has anti-inflammatory properties and can alleviate symptoms of depression as well as improve pain and function in people with osteoarthritis.

    What is curcumin?

    Curcuma longa is a flowering plant of the ginger family best known as turmeric, a spice used in curry. It is a polyphenol with anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to increase the amount of antioxidants that the body produces.[2]

    Curcumin and the curcuminoids found in turmeric can be extracted to produce supplements that have a much higher potency than turmeric. However, orally ingested curcumin is poorly absorbed during digestion,[3][4] so a variety of different formulations have been created to improve its bioavailability.[5][6][7][8]

    What are curcumin’s main benefits?

    Supplementation with curcumin reliably lowers some markers of inflammation[9][1][10] and increases the levels of endogenous antioxidants in the body.[11][12][1] However, curcumin has a minimal effect on markers of inflammation in people with chronic inflammatory diseases.[13]

    More research is needed on curcumin in many areas of health, but the current evidence shows small to moderate improvements in the symptoms of depression[14][15][16] and moderate to large improvements in pain and function in osteoarthritis.[17][18][19][20][21] Curcumin also shows promise for treating a type of inflammatory bowel disease called ulcerative colitis,[22][23][24] but further research is needed to clarify the optimal dose and route of administration.

    Improvements in blood lipids,[25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32] markers of glycemic control,[33][26][28][29][30] blood pressure,[26][34] liver enzymes,[35][36][37][38] and weight loss[39][40][41][42][43][44] have also been observed following supplementation with curcumin. However, the research on these outcomes is sometimes inconsistent, and further high-quality randomized controlled trials are needed to draw firm conclusions.

    What are curcumin’s main drawbacks?

    One of curcumin’s greatest disadvantages is that it is poorly absorbed when orally ingested by itself.[4]

    Dosages of up to 8 grams per day of curcuminoids have not been associated with serious adverse effects in humans.[45] However, comprehensive long-term studies are needed to confirm this lack of adverse effects. Studies using high doses of curcumin have reported some mild adverse effects, including nausea, diarrhea, headache, skin rash, and yellow stool.[46][47][48] Use of curcumin with piperine (a black pepper extract) may increase adverse reactions to curcumin, because piperine greatly increases intestinal permeability.[49] Not all formulations of curcumin have been safety tested to the same degree.

    How does curcumin work?

    The potential beneficial effects of curcumin seem to be largely the result of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.[2][50] These properties are mediated by curcumin’s direct or indirect interaction with, and modulation of, various molecular targets, including transcription factors, enzymes, cell cycle proteins, receptors, cell surface adhesion molecules, growth factors, and protein kinases.[51][52]

    What are other names for Curcumin?

    Note that Curcumin is also known as:
    • Turmeric extract
    • Curry Extract
    • Curcuma
    • Diferuloylmethane
    • JiangHuang
    • Curcuma Longa
    • 1 7-Bis(4-hydroxy-3-3methoxyphenyl)hepta-1 6-diene-3 5-dione
    • Turmeric
    Curcumin should not be confused with:
    • Curry (meal preparation using Turmeric)
    • Tree Turmeric (a term for Berberis Aristata)

    Dosage information

    The recommended dosage of curcumin for inflammation can vary. Studies have used daily doses ranging from 300 mg to 4,000 mg, depending on the specific condition.[1] When orally ingested alone, curcumin is poorly absorbed. The two most commonly used and most frequently tested methods for improving absorption are to pair curcumin with piperine (a black pepper extract) or to combine it with lipids (e.g., BCM-95®, or Meriva®).

    To supplement curcumin with piperine, take 500 mg of curcumin with 5–6.7 mg of piperine three times per day for a total dosage of 1,500 mg of curcumin and 15–20 mg of piperine per day.

    To supplement BCM-95®, a patented combination of curcumin and essential oils, take 500 mg twice a day for a total dosage of 1,000 mg/day.

    To supplement Meriva®, a patented combination of curcumin and soy lecithin, take 200–500 mg twice a day for a total dosage of 400–1,000 mg/day.

    Curcumin is sold in tablets, capsules, soft gels, powder, and drop form and is usually taken alongside food.

    Research FeedRead all studies

    Frequently asked questions

    What is curcumin?

    Curcuma longa is a flowering plant of the ginger family best known as turmeric, a spice used in curry. It is a polyphenol with anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to increase the amount of antioxidants that the body produces.[2]

    Curcumin and the curcuminoids found in turmeric can be extracted to produce supplements that have a much higher potency than turmeric. However, orally ingested curcumin is poorly absorbed during digestion,[3][4] so a variety of different formulations have been created to improve its bioavailability.[5][6][7][8]

    What are the benefits of phytosomal curcumin?

    Phytosomal curcumin is a formulation of curcumin and phosphatidylcholine (a phospholipid) which is prepared by adding phospholipids to a solution of turmeric rhizome (root) extract. Curcumin phytosomes are then isolated by a chemical process called precipitation.[53]

    This formulation is intended to increase the absorption and bioavailability of curcumin.[53]

    What is curcumin golden milk?

    Curcumin or turmeric golden milk is a name for a popular drink made with hot milk (cow or plant-based) and turmeric powder. Its popularity comes from India, where it’s called “haldi doodh” and is consumed as a home remedy for sore throat, fever, duodenal ulcer, asthma, malaria, cough, and cold.[60]

    One study analyzed the properties of different golden milk drinks made with either whole cow milk, semi-skimmed cow milk, or soy milk. Interestingly, the health benefits of these drinks changed depending on the milk type, turmeric paste concentration, and heat treatment. Specifically, the total phenol composition increased when turmeric powder was added to all 3 milk types, and the antioxidant activity increased especially with soy milk, which has a higher antioxidant baseline content compared to cow milk.[60]

    What is white turmeric?

    White turmeric (Curcuma zedoaria), often called white curcumin, is a plant from the genus Curcuma, the same genus as yellow turmeric. Although they share similar names, they have different properties and composition, with white turmeric having a lower curcumin content and being cheaper than traditional turmeric.[61]

    What are curcumin’s main benefits?

    Supplementation with curcumin reliably lowers some markers of inflammation[9][1][10] and increases the levels of endogenous antioxidants in the body.[11][12][1] However, curcumin has a minimal effect on markers of inflammation in people with chronic inflammatory diseases.[13]

    More research is needed on curcumin in many areas of health, but the current evidence shows small to moderate improvements in the symptoms of depression[14][15][16] and moderate to large improvements in pain and function in osteoarthritis.[17][18][19][20][21] Curcumin also shows promise for treating a type of inflammatory bowel disease called ulcerative colitis,[22][23][24] but further research is needed to clarify the optimal dose and route of administration.

    Improvements in blood lipids,[25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32] markers of glycemic control,[33][26][28][29][30] blood pressure,[26][34] liver enzymes,[35][36][37][38] and weight loss[39][40][41][42][43][44] have also been observed following supplementation with curcumin. However, the research on these outcomes is sometimes inconsistent, and further high-quality randomized controlled trials are needed to draw firm conclusions.

    Does curcumin lower blood sugar?

    There is currently very little research regarding curcumin’s effects on blood sugar levels.

    One randomized controlled trial (RCT) found that supplementation with 500 mg of curcumin three times daily for 12 weeks significantly decreased fasting blood glucose levels in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) compared to a placebo but had no effect on insulin levels or insulin resistance.[56] However, another RCT that included individuals with metabolic syndrome and used nanomicellar curcumin did not find any improvements in either fasting blood glucose or insulin levels.[57]

    Does curcumin lower blood pressure?

    Two randomized controlled trials (RCTs) investigating the effects of curcumin supplementation on blood pressure did not find significant improvements. In the first study, which involved individuals with metabolic syndrome and used nanomicellar curcumin, no significant changes in blood pressure were observed.[57] The second RCT, which was small in size and included people with obesity, used curcumin formulated with fenugreek soluble fiber. Similar to the previous study, this trial also did not find any improvements in blood pressure following curcumin supplementation.[58] These findings suggest that curcumin supplementation alone, as well as in combination, may not effectively reduce blood pressure in people with metabolic syndrome or obesity.

    What are curcumin’s main drawbacks?

    One of curcumin’s greatest disadvantages is that it is poorly absorbed when orally ingested by itself.[4]

    Dosages of up to 8 grams per day of curcuminoids have not been associated with serious adverse effects in humans.[45] However, comprehensive long-term studies are needed to confirm this lack of adverse effects. Studies using high doses of curcumin have reported some mild adverse effects, including nausea, diarrhea, headache, skin rash, and yellow stool.[46][47][48] Use of curcumin with piperine (a black pepper extract) may increase adverse reactions to curcumin, because piperine greatly increases intestinal permeability.[49] Not all formulations of curcumin have been safety tested to the same degree.

    Are there any interactions or warnings associated with curcumin?

    Curcumin may be an anticoagulant, which could make the effects of some blood thinner medications (e.g., warfarin) more potent. It may also have antiplatelet activity and increase the effects of medications that prevent platelet aggregation (e.g., acetylsalicylic acid/aspirin). Both of these interactions could lead to an increased bleeding risk and other adverse events. However, there aren’t many clinical (human) trials that have confirmed these interactions, and the few available studies are of poor quality or are funded by the company which manufactures the curcumin supplement; therefore, caution is warranted until more research is performed on these interactions.[54][55]

    In vitro and animal studies have also noted that curcumin may reduce the activity of certain chemotherapy agents. The mechanism of action is still unclear, but it might be related to the dose of curcumin given.[55]

    How does curcumin work?

    The potential beneficial effects of curcumin seem to be largely the result of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.[2][50] These properties are mediated by curcumin’s direct or indirect interaction with, and modulation of, various molecular targets, including transcription factors, enzymes, cell cycle proteins, receptors, cell surface adhesion molecules, growth factors, and protein kinases.[51][52]

    What is liposomal curcumin?

    Liposomes are spherical vesicles composed of 2 layers of phospholipids that can carry both hydrophobic (water-insoluble) and hydrophilic (water-soluble) compounds. They are typically used in formulations where the active ingredient is insatiable or has low bioavailability, such as curcumin. Animal studies have shown that liposomal curcumin may be more effective compared to standard curcumin formulations.[59] These formulations are typically more expensive and although results seem promising, data on humans is not available.

    Update History

    Research Breakdown

    Examine Database References

    1. Pain - Srivastava S, Saksena AK, Khattri S, Kumar S, Dagur RSCurcuma longa extract reduces inflammatory and oxidative stress biomarkers in osteoarthritis of knee: a four-month, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trialInflammopharmacology.(2016 Dec)
    2. Pain - Haroyan A, Mukuchyan V, Mkrtchyan N, Minasyan N, Gasparyan S, Sargsyan A, Narimanyan M, Hovhannisyan AEfficacy and safety of curcumin and its combination with boswellic acid in osteoarthritis: a comparative, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studyBMC Complement Altern Med.(2018 Jan 9)
    3. Pain - Nakagawa Y, Mukai S, Yamada S, Matsuoka M, Tarumi E, Hashimoto T, Tamura C, Imaizumi A, Nishihira J, Nakamura TShort-term effects of highly-bioavailable curcumin for treating knee osteoarthritis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled prospective studyJ Orthop Sci.(2014 Nov)
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    6. Pain - Madhu K, Chanda K, Saji MJSafety and efficacy of Curcuma longa extract in the treatment of painful knee osteoarthritis: a randomized placebo-controlled trialInflammopharmacology.(2013 Apr)
    7. Pain - Belcaro G, Cesarone MR, Dugall M, Pellegrini L, Ledda A, Grossi MG, Togni S, Appendino GEfficacy and safety of Meriva®, a curcumin-phosphatidylcholine complex, during extended administration in osteoarthritis patientsAltern Med Rev.(2010 Dec)
    8. Pain - Kuptniratsaikul V, Dajpratham P, Taechaarpornkul W, Buntragulpoontawee M, Lukkanapichonchut P, Chootip C, Saengsuwan J, Tantayakom K, Laongpech SEfficacy and safety of Curcuma domestica extracts compared with ibuprofen in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a multicenter studyClin Interv Aging.(2014 Mar 20)
    9. Pain - Belcaro G, Cesarone MR, Dugall M, Pellegrini L, Ledda A, Grossi MG, Togni S, Appendino GProduct-evaluation registry of Meriva®, a curcumin-phosphatidylcholine complex, for the complementary management of osteoarthritisPanminerva Med.(2010 Jun)
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    13. Osteoarthritis Symptoms - Vilai Kuptniratsaikul, Sunee Thanakhumtorn, Pornsiri Chinswangwatanakul, Luksamee Wattanamongkonsil, Visanu ThamlikitkulEfficacy and safety of Curcuma domestica extracts in patients with knee osteoarthritisJ Altern Complement Med.(2009 Aug)
    14. Osteoarthritis Symptoms - Henrotin et alBio-optimized Curcuma longa extract is efficient on knee osteoarthritis pain: a double-blind multicenter randomized placebo controlled three-arm studyArthritis Res Ther.()
    15. Uric Acid - Panahi Y, Kianpour P, Mohtashami R, Jafari R, Simental-Mendía LE, Sahebkar ACurcumin Lowers Serum Lipids and Uric Acid in Subjects With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Randomized Controlled TrialJ Cardiovasc Pharmacol.(2016 Sep)
    16. Blood glucose - Cicero AFG, Sahebkar A, Fogacci F, Bove M, Giovannini M, Borghi CEffects of phytosomal curcumin on anthropometric parameters, insulin resistance, cortisolemia and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease indices: a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trialEur J Nutr.(2019 Feb 22)
    17. Blood glucose - Jazayeri-Tehrani SA, Rezayat SM, Mansouri S, Qorbani M, Alavian SM, Daneshi-Maskooni M, Hosseinzadeh-Attar MJNano-curcumin improves glucose indices, lipids, inflammation, and Nesfatin in overweight and obese patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled clinical trialNutr Metab (Lond).(2019 Jan 28)
    18. Blood glucose - Saeede Saadati, Behzad Hatami, Zahra Yari, Mohammad Amin Shahrbaf, Sareh Eghtesad, Asieh Mansour, Hossein Poustchi, Mehdi Hedayati, Morteza Aghajanpoor-Pasha, Amir Sadeghi, Azita HekmatdoostThe effects of curcumin supplementation on liver enzymes, lipid profile, glucose homeostasis, and hepatic steatosis and fibrosis in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver diseaseEur J Clin Nutr.(2019 Mar)
    19. Blood glucose - Navekar R, Rafraf M, Ghaffari A, Asghari-Jafarabadi M, Khoshbaten MTurmeric Supplementation Improves Serum Glucose Indices and Leptin Levels in Patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver DiseasesJ Am Coll Nutr.(2017 May-Jun)
    20. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) - Rahmani S, Asgary S, Askari G, Keshvari M, Hatamipour M, Feizi A, Sahebkar ATreatment of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease with Curcumin: A Randomized Placebo-controlled TrialPhytother Res.(2016 Sep)
    21. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) - Kailin Yang, Junpeng Chen, Tianqing Zhang, Xiao Yuan, Anqi Ge, Shanshan Wang, Hao Xu, Liuting Zeng, Jinwen GeEfficacy and safety of dietary polyphenol supplementation in the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A systematic review and meta-analysisFront Immunol.(2022 Sep 9)
    22. Liver Enzymes - M H Ngu, M N Norhayati, Z Rosnani, M M ZulkifliCurcumin as adjuvant treatment in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver (NAFLD) disease: A systematic review and meta-analysisComplement Ther Med.(2022 Sep)
    23. Weight - Nima Baziar, Mohammad ParohanThe effects of curcumin supplementation on body mass index, body weight, and waist circumference in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: A systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of randomized controlled trialsPhytother Res.(2020 Mar)
    24. Weight - Jafarirad S, Mansoori A, Adineh A, Panahi Y, Hadi A, Goodarzi RDoes Turmeric/curcumin Supplementation Change Anthropometric Indices in Patients with Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.Clin Nutr Res.(2019-Jul)
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    26. Insulin - Maithili Karpaga Selvi N, Sridhar MG, Swaminathan RP, Sripradha REfficacy of Turmeric as Adjuvant Therapy in Type 2 Diabetic PatientsIndian J Clin Biochem.(2015 Apr)
    27. Total cholesterol - Ferguson JJA, Wolska A, Remaley AT, Stojanovski E, MacDonald-Wicks L, Garg MLBread enriched with phytosterols with or without curcumin modulates lipoprotein profiles in hypercholesterolaemic individuals. A randomised controlled trialFood Funct.(2019 May 22)
    28. Total cholesterol - Mirzabeigi P, Mohammadpour AH, Salarifar M, Gholami K, Mojtahedzadeh M, Javadi MRThe Effect of Curcumin on some of Traditional and Non-traditional Cardiovascular Risk Factors: A Pilot Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled TrialIran J Pharm Res.(2015 Spring)
    29. Total cholesterol - Dehzad MJ, Ghalandari H, Amini MR, Askarpour MEffects of curcumin/turmeric supplementation on lipid profile: A GRADE-assessed systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.Complement Ther Med.(2023-Aug)
    30. Uric Acid - Pannipa Bupparenoo, Rattapol Pakchotanon, Pongthorn Narongroeknawin, Paijit Asavatanabodee, Sumapa ChaiamnuayEffect of Curcumin on Serum Urate in Asymptomatic Hyperuricemia: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled TrialJ Diet Suppl.(2021)
    31. Blood glucose - Adab Z, Eghtesadi S, Vafa MR, Heydari I, Shojaii A, Haqqani H, Arablou T, Eghtesadi MEffect of turmeric on glycemic status, lipid profile, hs-CRP, and total antioxidant capacity in hyperlipidemic type 2 diabetes mellitus patientsPhytother Res.(2019 Apr)
    32. Blood glucose - Funamoto M, Sunagawa Y, Katanasaka Y, Miyazaki Y, Imaizumi A, Kakeya H, Yamakage H, Satoh-Asahara N, Komiyama M, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Morimoto THighly absorptive curcumin reduces serum atherosclerotic low-density lipoprotein levels in patients with mild COPDInt J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis.(2016 Aug 26)
    33. Blood glucose - Ferguson JJA, Stojanovski E, MacDonald-Wicks L, Garg MLCurcumin potentiates cholesterol-lowering effects of phytosterols in hypercholesterolaemic individuals. A randomised controlled trialMetabolism.(2018 May)
    34. Triglycerides - Panahi Y, Khalili N, Sahebi E, Namazi S, Reiner Ž, Majeed M, Sahebkar ACurcuminoids modify lipid profile in type 2 diabetes mellitus: A randomized controlled trialComplement Ther Med.(2017 Aug)
    35. Triglycerides - DiSilvestro RA, Joseph E, Zhao S, Bomser JDiverse effects of a low dose supplement of lipidated curcumin in healthy middle aged peopleNutr J.(2012 Sep 26)
    36. Triglycerides - Mohammadi A, Sahebkar A, Iranshahi M, Amini M, Khojasteh R, Ghayour-Mobarhan M, Ferns GAEffects of supplementation with curcuminoids on dyslipidemia in obese patients: a randomized crossover trialPhytother Res.(2013 Mar)
    37. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) - Baum L, Cheung SK, Mok VC, Lam LC, Leung VP, Hui E, Ng CC, Chow M, Ho PC, Lam S, Woo J, Chiu HF, Goggins W, Zee B, Wong A, Mok H, Cheng WK, Fong C, Lee JS, Chan MH, Szeto SS, Lui VW, Tsoh J, Kwok TC, Chan IH, Lam CWCurcumin effects on blood lipid profile in a 6-month human studyPharmacol Res.(2007 Dec)
    38. Blood glucose - Rahimi HR, Mohammadpour AH, Dastani M, Jaafari MR, Abnous K, Ghayour Mobarhan M, Kazemi Oskuee RThe effect of nano-curcumin on HbA1c, fasting blood glucose, and lipid profile in diabetic subjects: a randomized clinical trialAvicenna J Phytomed.(2016 Sep-Oct)
    39. Blood glucose - Panahi Y, Khalili N, Sahebi E, Namazi S, Simental-Mendía LE, Majeed M, Sahebkar AEffects of Curcuminoids Plus Piperine on Glycemic, Hepatic and Inflammatory Biomarkers in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled TrialDrug Res (Stuttg).(2018 Jul)
    40. Blood glucose - Yang H, Xu W, Zhou Z, Liu J, Li X, Chen L, Weng J, Yu ZCurcumin attenuates urinary excretion of albumin in type II diabetic patients with enhancing nuclear factor erythroid-derived 2-like 2 (Nrf2) system and repressing inflammatory signaling efficaciesExp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes.(2015 Jun)
    41. Blood glucose - Adibian M, Hodaei H, Nikpayam O, Sohrab G, Hekmatdoost A, Hedayati MThe effects of curcumin supplementation on high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, serum adiponectin, and lipid profile in patients with type 2 diabetes: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trialPhytother Res.(2019 May)
    42. Blood glucose - Chuengsamarn S, Rattanamongkolgul S, Phonrat B, Tungtrongchitr R, Jirawatnotai SReduction of atherogenic risk in patients with type 2 diabetes by curcuminoid extract: a randomized controlled trialJ Nutr Biochem.(2014 Feb)
    43. Blood glucose - Na LX, Li Y, Pan HZ, Zhou XL, Sun DJ, Meng M, Li XX, Sun CHCurcuminoids exert glucose-lowering effect in type 2 diabetes by decreasing serum free fatty acids: a double-blind, placebo-controlled trialMol Nutr Food Res.(2013 Sep)
    44. Blood glucose - Asadi S, Gholami MS, Siassi F, Qorbani M, Khamoshian K, Sotoudeh GNano curcumin supplementation reduced the severity of diabetic sensorimotor polyneuropathy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A randomized double-blind placebo- controlled clinical trialComplement Ther Med.(2019 Apr)
    45. Blood glucose - Chuengsamarn S, Rattanamongkolgul S, Luechapudiporn R, Phisalaphong C, Jirawatnotai SCurcumin extract for prevention of type 2 diabetesDiabetes Care.(2012 Nov)
    46. Oxidative Stress Biomarkers - Tabrizi R, Vakili S, Akbari M, Mirhosseini N, Lankarani KB, Rahimi M, Mobini M, Jafarnejad S, Vahedpoor Z, Asemi ZThe effects of curcumin-containing supplements on biomarkers of inflammation and oxidative stress: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.Phytother Res.(2019-Feb)
    47. Blood glucose - Thota RN, Dias CB, Abbott KA, Acharya SH, Garg MLCurcumin alleviates postprandial glycaemic response in healthy subjects: A cross-over, randomized controlled studySci Rep.(2018 Sep 12)
    48. Blood glucose - Wickenberg J, Ingemansson SL, Hlebowicz JEffects of Curcuma longa (turmeric) on postprandial plasma glucose and insulin in healthy subjectsNutr J.(2010 Oct 12)
    49. Triglycerides - Kanit Pungcharoenkul, Phensri ThongnopnuaEffect of different curcuminoid supplement dosages on total in vivo antioxidant capacity and cholesterol levels of healthy human subjectsPhytother Res.(2011 Nov)
    50. Arterial Stiffness - Santos-Parker JR, Strahler TR, Bassett CJ, Bispham NZ, Chonchol MB, Seals DRCurcumin supplementation improves vascular endothelial function in healthy middle-aged and older adults by increasing nitric oxide bioavailability and reducing oxidative stressAging (Albany NY).(2017 Jan 3)
    51. Prostate Specific Antigen - Ide H, Tokiwa S, Sakamaki K, Nishio K, Isotani S, Muto S, Hama T, Masuda H, Horie SCombined inhibitory effects of soy isoflavones and curcumin on the production of prostate-specific antigenProstate.(2010 Jul 1)
    52. Iron Absorption - Siriporn Tuntipopipat, Kunchit Judprasong, Christophe Zeder, Emorn Wasantwisut, Pattanee Winichagoon, Somsri Charoenkiatkul, Richard Hurrell, Thomas WalczykChili, but not turmeric, inhibits iron absorption in young women from an iron-fortified composite mealJ Nutr.(2006 Dec)
    53. Weight - Unhapipatpong C, Polruang N, Shantavasinkul PC, Julanon N, Numthavaj P, Thakkinstian AThe effect of curcumin supplementation on weight loss and anthropometric indices: an umbrella review and updated meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials.Am J Clin Nutr.(2023-May)
    54. Triglycerides - Akazawa N, Choi Y, Miyaki A, Tanabe Y, Sugawara J, Ajisaka R, Maeda SCurcumin ingestion and exercise training improve vascular endothelial function in postmenopausal womenNutr Res.(2012 Oct)
    55. Blood Pressure - Sugawara J, Akazawa N, Miyaki A, Choi Y, Tanabe Y, Imai T, Maeda SEffect of endurance exercise training and curcumin intake on central arterial hemodynamics in postmenopausal women: pilot studyAm J Hypertens.(2012 Jun)
    56. Triglycerides - Usharani P, Mateen AA, Naidu MU, Raju YS, Chandra NEffect of NCB-02, atorvastatin and placebo on endothelial function, oxidative stress and inflammatory markers in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a randomized, parallel-group, placebo-controlled, 8-week studyDrugs R D.(2008)
    57. Blood Pressure - Barber-Chamoux N, Milenkovic D, Verny MA, Habauzit V, Pereira B, Lambert C, Richard D, Boby C, Mazur A, Lusson JR, Dubray C, Morand CSubstantial Variability Across Individuals in the Vascular and Nutrigenomic Response to an Acute Intake of Curcumin: A Randomized Controlled TrialMol Nutr Food Res.(2018 Mar)
    58. Blood Flow - Oliver JM, Stoner L, Rowlands DS, Caldwell AR, Sanders E, Kreutzer A, Mitchell JB, Purpura M, Jäger RNovel Form of Curcumin Improves Endothelial Function in Young, Healthy Individuals: A Double-Blind Placebo Controlled StudyJ Nutr Metab.(2016)
    59. Depression Symptoms - Lopresti AL, Drummond PDEfficacy of curcumin, and a saffron/curcumin combination for the treatment of major depression: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled studyJ Affect Disord.(2017 Jan 1)
    60. Depression Symptoms - Lopresti AL, Maes M, Maker GL, Hood SD, Drummond PDCurcumin for the treatment of major depression: a randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled studyJ Affect Disord.(2014)
    61. Depression Symptoms - Yu JJ, Pei LB, Zhang Y, Wen ZY, Yang JLChronic Supplementation of Curcumin Enhances the Efficacy of Antidepressants in Major Depressive Disorder: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Pilot StudyJ Clin Psychopharmacol.(2015 Aug)
    62. Depression Symptoms - Esmaily H, Sahebkar A, Iranshahi M, Ganjali S, Mohammadi A, Ferns G, Ghayour-Mobarhan MAn investigation of the effects of curcumin on anxiety and depression in obese individuals: A randomized controlled trialChin J Integr Med.(2015 May)
    63. Depression Symptoms - Bergman J, Miodownik C, Bersudsky Y, Sokolik S, Lerner PP, Kreinin A, Polakiewicz J, Lerner VCurcumin as an add-on to antidepressive treatment: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, pilot clinical studyClin Neuropharmacol.(2013 May-Jun)
    64. Depression Symptoms - Kanchanatawan B, Tangwongchai S, Sughondhabhirom A, Suppapitiporn S, Hemrunrojn S, Carvalho AF, Maes MAdd-on Treatment with Curcumin Has Antidepressive Effects in Thai Patients with Major Depression: Results of a Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled StudyNeurotox Res.(2018 Apr)
    65. Total cholesterol - Kim SW, Ha KC, Choi EK, Jung SY, Kim MG, Kwon DY, Yang HJ, Kim MJ, Kang HJ, Back HI, Kim SY, Park SH, Baek HY, Kim YJ, Lee JY, Chae SWThe effectiveness of fermented turmeric powder in subjects with elevated alanine transaminase levels: a randomised controlled studyBMC Complement Altern Med.(2013 Mar 8)
    66. Liver Enzymes - Dehzad MJ, Ghalandari H, Amini MR, Askarpour MEffects of curcumin/turmeric supplementation on liver function in adults: A GRADE-assessed systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.Complement Ther Med.(2023-Jun)
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