Muscle Size & Strength: FAQs

    Examine's analysis on current and past trending topics.
    What are muscle size and strength?How are muscle size and strength measured?What type of exercise is best for promoting muscle size and strength?Have any supplements been studied for muscle size and strength?How can diet affect muscle size and strength?Which other factors affect muscle size and strength?What are the different models of body composition assessment?How do acute changes in nutrition and exercise affect body composition data?How does an energy deficit affect muscle size and strength?Does the source of protein matter for increasing muscle size and strength?Does the distribution of protein intake throughout the day matter?Do I need to train to muscular failure?Why would keeping a few reps in the tank be better than training to muscular failure for strength gains?What’s the best way to track training over time?Tracking sets: should multi-joint and single-joint exercises be counted equally?How often should I train to maximize gains in muscle size and strength?If I have limited time to exercise, how should I structure my training to increase muscle size and strength?What happens if I fall off the gainz train? How much exercise is needed to maintain what I’ve built?How often should I switch up my exercise routine?Are machines as good as free weights?Are light weights as good as heavy weights for muscle gain?Are periodized training programs superior for increasing muscle size and strength?What’s the best lifting tempo?Which exercise should be performed first in a workout?